Chat Up Line Louis

We all know that one person who, for some unknown reason, thinks they’re really smooth with the opposite sex. And, to be brutally honest, those are the ones who really aren’t smooth, at all. Well, Chat Up Line Louis (noy actually his name) was obviously one of these guys.

When I was a waitress I was super busy serving a family of six their ice creams, when I noticed this guy, probably around 20 years old I would say, standing at the ice cream counter. After being super proud of the way those ice creams looked, I eventually made my way to serve him. “What can I get for you” I said in my ‘waitress’ voice and received the most clichè answer anyone could think of; “your name” he replied with a cheeky little grin. He then later went on to offer to buy me an ice cream. So chivalrous, I know.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was impressed with the smoothness of it, but no, not today Louis.

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