Placement searching

I am currently on the lookout to find the perfect internship for my placement year. And I tell you,it is not as easy as it sounds.

If anyone is in the same boat as me, then I feel for you! But at the same time, IT’S SO EXCITING! When you’re scrolling aimlessly through loads of job adverts, it can sometimes feel like you’re never going to find a placement, let alone be offered one! BUT then that perfect one seems to stand out to you and it’s the best feeling.

I don’t know if I’m the only one this happens to but when I see an ad that I love (I saw one yesterday that ‘being a nice person’ was one of its requirements, how cool is that) I get so excited and research the company right at that moment and I won’t stop until my CV and cover letter are written to utter perfection for that business. I dunno, maybe I’m just excited easily.

Anyway, having a placement is so daunting but I cannot wait.

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