Placement searching

I am currently on the lookout to find the perfect internship for my placement year. And I tell you,it is not as easy as it sounds.

If anyone is in the same boat as me, then I feel for you! But at the same time, IT’S SO EXCITING! When you’re scrolling aimlessly through loads of job adverts, it can sometimes feel like you’re never going to find a placement, let alone be offered one! BUT then that perfect one seems to stand out to you and it’s the best feeling.

I don’t know if I’m the only one this happens to but when I see an ad that I love (I saw one yesterday that ‘being a nice person’ was one of its requirements, how cool is that) I get so excited and research the company right at that moment and I won’t stop until my CV and cover letter are written to utter perfection for that business. I dunno, maybe I’m just excited easily.

Anyway, having a placement is so daunting but I cannot wait.

Don Broco – Plug, Sheffield 4/12/15

This was BY FAR the rowdiest Don Broco gig I have ever been to (and I’ve been to a lot)! The push up pits were bigger, songs louder and crowd a whole lot sweatier.

I wasn’t there for the majority of the support acts but what I saw of Coasts I really enjoyed and will definitely be downloading ‘Oceans’, which we all recognised. Where we had heard it I couldn’t tell you.

The atmosphere in Plug was incredible, everyone was excited to see whether Rob Damiani will be wearing his classic polo neck. (He wasn’t) (Sigh).

Whilst we were waiting, the guy behind me was talking to his friends about all my favourite bands (including Neck Deep) AND he was wearing a Moose Blood top. I highly considered turning around and befriending him as I found him so cool.

When Don Broco came on the lighting made them into silhouettes, which I thought was a nice touch and I was a massive fan of.

Something that I’ve never witnessed at a gig before (or ever in real life actually) was that a couple went on stage and got engaged! It was super romantic and I’m pretty sure they’ll remember that moment with fond memories. (Even if the fond memory was hugging Rob Damiani)

Playing songs from ‘Superlove’ to ‘Thug Workout’ (my personal favourite), Don Broco smashed every song as though it was their last. I didn’t expect anything less. And I won’t expect anything less when I see them next week at Brixton.

Until then Don Broco…

Photo Credit to Amie Blair. Check out her blog, excellent read! 

Photo Credit to Sam Morris. Fab picture.

don broco
Photo Credit To Amie’s Snapchat
Rob D
Photo Credit to Amie’s Snapchat


don b
Photo Credit to Sam


Feeling Sorry Susan

These past few weeks, 6 weeks to be exact, have been a complete write off. If you think your November was bad just take a look at mine.

No, it could have been worse. But I’ve basically been ill for 6 weeks, to and from the doctors and with many different types of antibiotics. So it is fair to say all I wanted to do was go home and be fussed by my family. (Which I eventually did and that got me feeling a lot better)

Its funny how much of a cure going home really is. I think maybe because when you’re away from home (and not getting better) you immediately think the worst and getting stressed about being ill on top of uni stress wasn’t making me any better. But once I went home and got a full check up from the doctors I started to feel more like myself again.

Feeling sorry for myself is something I’m not really a fan of doing (all the time) but with it going on for so long, I think I deserved that feeling sorry state.

Now back to Sheffield

Lazy Lucy

I need to get back into the swing of writing my blog again. Having not updated it in well over a month I thought I would write a quick catch up entry for all my millions of followers. (Hi Dad)

Truth is, I have been pretty busy between going on holiday, moving back to uni and of course, napping.

Ireland was a blast. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my 20th birthday than to be drinking Guinness and perfecting my Irish dancing. Also, I am now a professional pourer of Guinness. Even got a certificate to prove it.

As expected the annual summer party with my family as hosts was amazing. You can’t really complain about partying with your family and all your closest friends. (Apart from two of them, they were missed dearly)

Costa Brava was equally as good. You can’t beat hot weather, nice food and the beach. As you can tell I am a hot weather kinda gal, mainly because I tan easily and everyone looks better with a healthy glow.

I was excited to move back to uni to see all my friends and revisit Corp (dur, thats the main reason I was excited.) Although, getting ill at the start of Freshers Week (thanks to the Spanish bugs who bit me and infected my blood) was not on the original agenda and resulted in me not being able to drink. So going out completely sober was urm… interesting.

Now I’ve been back for a month now and it feels like I never left. I’m back into my routine of napping and Netflix, (not Netflix and Chill). Is there any other way to spend your uni life?

IMG_5133 (1)
Annual end of summer party
Costa Brava
Costa Brava
Miss these mojitos
Miss these mojitos

Rekindling our love for Corp
Rekindling our love for Corp
In Belfast, at the nicest restaurant, on a boat.
In Belfast, at the nicest restaurant, on a boat.