Social Media

For the past 2 weeks I have travelled back in time 50 years and haven’t had a phone. Well, I have but it is the most simple Nokia around and it’s best feature is the flashlight, need I say more. So because of this I haven’t been able to have instant access to my favourite past time, social media, and it hasn’t been an enjoyable experience.

I’m joking, it really hasn’t been that bad but it just meant I couldn’t put on my witty (well I think they’re witty) tweets whenever I wanted to.

Anyway, I thought I would show what I have learnt throughout these two weeks about social media.

People discuss what they have seen online  A LOT. Every single one of my friends has said to me “did you see what (insert name here) put on Instagram” closely followed by a disgusted/sad look from me to which they immediately laugh and apologise as though they want to see me in pain. People always say that the younger generation these days are constantly on their phones, but I don’t see why this is necessarily  a bad thing as people then discuss what they have seen on their phones with their peers. I don’t know about you but I have learned a lot about the world’s events, for example Sperm Whales dying, via social media. It is a brilliant way to spread news in a speedy and effective way!

I have also learnt that I forget that things are happening. Obviously not the super important stuff but for example my favourite band, Moose Blood, released their tickets for an upcoming tour and because I hadn’t seen on my timeline about Moose Blood tickets I completely forgot they were going on sale! Luckily, my brother bought a few spare tickets just in case, so i am still able to go. Not sure what I would have done if I didn’t get a ticket. (Probably sat and ate my feelings in pastry goods.)

No matter what people say, I think social media is very influential for the younger generation and if used in a positive manner and you are not an idiot on it (which I know some people are) then I am not afraid to say that I have missed it. It is good to be back.



Lower Than Atlantis + Moose Blood 8/12/15

If you know what it is like to see your favourite band live for the first time then you know exactly how I felt when I watched Moose Blood,  one of Lower Than Atlantis’ support acts, on Tuesday at Leeds Beckett Student Union.

I am a massive fan of LTA anyway, and when I found out they were going to bring Moose Blood along on their tour, I knew I couldn’t miss out on this.

Very nonchalantly, Moose Blood walk on stage and banged out ‘Bukowski’ (the first song I ever heard of theirs) to get the audience going. Of course, everyone immediately started to sing.

They made their way through a majority of their album, ‘I’ll Keep You In Mind, From Time to Time.’ (Cracking album). Although, I was disappointed that they didn’t play ‘Anyway’, which is my favourite song on there at the moment. However, it does always change, so I was more than happy with their set.

Man, I love Moose Blood.

As does my friend, Matt, who tried to (and still is) convince us that he cried 10 times during their set. Okay Matt, okay.

Once Moose Blood, was  complete, a big white sheet was placed in front of the stage, blocking the audiences view of what was going on behind that sheet.

LTA came on with ‘Get Over It’, their new song which Radio 1 are all over. And of course, the sheet came down and everyone was pumped.

I was a big fan of the diversity of the songs that they played, including Happy Birthday for Dec. The songs ranged from ‘World Record’ to ‘Criminal’. At one point, Mike Duce and his acoustic guitar were the only ones on stage and he did an acoustic version of ‘Deadliest Catch’ from their 2011 album, ‘World Record’. In the classic Mike Duce manner whilst playing guitar ‘solo’ he goes; “this bits boring, lets have another verse” and skips it so we can all start singing again. Once again, Man, I love Mike Duce.

All in all, it was another fantastic show. Every time I have seen LTA I have never been disappointed and I am always left wanting more.

Photo Credit to: Matt Jones

Moose Blood – Matt Jones
Lower Than Atlantis – Matt Jones

Don Broco – Plug, Sheffield 4/12/15

This was BY FAR the rowdiest Don Broco gig I have ever been to (and I’ve been to a lot)! The push up pits were bigger, songs louder and crowd a whole lot sweatier.

I wasn’t there for the majority of the support acts but what I saw of Coasts I really enjoyed and will definitely be downloading ‘Oceans’, which we all recognised. Where we had heard it I couldn’t tell you.

The atmosphere in Plug was incredible, everyone was excited to see whether Rob Damiani will be wearing his classic polo neck. (He wasn’t) (Sigh).

Whilst we were waiting, the guy behind me was talking to his friends about all my favourite bands (including Neck Deep) AND he was wearing a Moose Blood top. I highly considered turning around and befriending him as I found him so cool.

When Don Broco came on the lighting made them into silhouettes, which I thought was a nice touch and I was a massive fan of.

Something that I’ve never witnessed at a gig before (or ever in real life actually) was that a couple went on stage and got engaged! It was super romantic and I’m pretty sure they’ll remember that moment with fond memories. (Even if the fond memory was hugging Rob Damiani)

Playing songs from ‘Superlove’ to ‘Thug Workout’ (my personal favourite), Don Broco smashed every song as though it was their last. I didn’t expect anything less. And I won’t expect anything less when I see them next week at Brixton.

Until then Don Broco…

Photo Credit to Amie Blair. Check out her blog, excellent read! 

Photo Credit to Sam Morris. Fab picture.

don broco
Photo Credit To Amie’s Snapchat
Rob D
Photo Credit to Amie’s Snapchat


don b
Photo Credit to Sam


Update Number Two

After a very busy few weeks it was hard to fit everything exciting I did into one blog post. SO update number two…

My unlucky few weeks didn’t stop at having a blood infection. I somehow, very stupidly, fell over in Corp (wasn’t even drunk) and cut my elbow open, which resulted in having to visit first aid and have it stuck back together. (Still sorry about that Amie and Sam.)

So, due to my unluckiness, it’s safe to say that when I visited Go Ape I was convinced I would hurt myself. Apparently, one in a thousand people need first aid whilst there and I was prepared to be that one. Obviously and thankfully nobody was hurt and in the end I was very happy I did it. Although that doesn’t mean I want to do it again due to the scariness involved.

That same day I went to see Fall Out Boy at the SSE arena in London. Although, that is for another post.

I have just found out that there are hours available at the cafe at Christmas, so prepare for the stories of waitressing to make a reappearance.

The result of falling over
Family (mum is taking the picture) after being at Go Ape
High in the trees
Looking scared (because I was scared)
Fall Out Boy Ticket