Lower Than Atlantis + Moose Blood 8/12/15

If you know what it is like to see your favourite band live for the first time then you know exactly how I felt when I watched Moose Blood,  one of Lower Than Atlantis’ support acts, on Tuesday at Leeds Beckett Student Union.

I am a massive fan of LTA anyway, and when I found out they were going to bring Moose Blood along on their tour, I knew I couldn’t miss out on this.

Very nonchalantly, Moose Blood walk on stage and banged out ‘Bukowski’ (the first song I ever heard of theirs) to get the audience going. Of course, everyone immediately started to sing.

They made their way through a majority of their album, ‘I’ll Keep You In Mind, From Time to Time.’ (Cracking album). Although, I was disappointed that they didn’t play ‘Anyway’, which is my favourite song on there at the moment. However, it does always change, so I was more than happy with their set.

Man, I love Moose Blood.

As does my friend, Matt, who tried to (and still is) convince us that he cried 10 times during their set. Okay Matt, okay.

Once Moose Blood, was  complete, a big white sheet was placed in front of the stage, blocking the audiences view of what was going on behind that sheet.

LTA came on with ‘Get Over It’, their new song which Radio 1 are all over. And of course, the sheet came down and everyone was pumped.

I was a big fan of the diversity of the songs that they played, including Happy Birthday for Dec. The songs ranged from ‘World Record’ to ‘Criminal’. At one point, Mike Duce and his acoustic guitar were the only ones on stage and he did an acoustic version of ‘Deadliest Catch’ from their 2011 album, ‘World Record’. In the classic Mike Duce manner whilst playing guitar ‘solo’ he goes; “this bits boring, lets have another verse” and skips it so we can all start singing again. Once again, Man, I love Mike Duce.

All in all, it was another fantastic show. Every time I have seen LTA I have never been disappointed and I am always left wanting more.

Photo Credit to: Matt Jones

Moose Blood – Matt Jones
Lower Than Atlantis – Matt Jones