Feeling Sorry Susan

These past few weeks, 6 weeks to be exact, have been a complete write off. If you think your November was bad just take a look at mine.

No, it could have been worse. But I’ve basically been ill for 6 weeks, to and from the doctors and with many different types of antibiotics. So it is fair to say all I wanted to do was go home and be fussed by my family. (Which I eventually did and that got me feeling a lot better)

Its funny how much of a cure going home really is. I think maybe because when you’re away from home (and not getting better) you immediately think the worst and getting stressed about being ill on top of uni stress wasn’t making me any better. But once I went home and got a full check up from the doctors I started to feel more like myself again.

Feeling sorry for myself is something I’m not really a fan of doing (all the time) but with it going on for so long, I think I deserved that feeling sorry state.

Now back to Sheffield