5 Reasons To Love Your Uni Library

Why is it that whenever people think of a library they always think that it is boring? Personally, without sounding like a loser, I love my university’s library and I love it so much I brainstormed 5 reasons why you should love it too.

  1. The atmosphere of people actually working is so satisfying.
  •   There is nothing more annoying than being in a room when you’re trying to work and someone else is talking SO LOUD about their cheating boyfriend called Paul who works in the local chip shop.


2. All of the books there are hard back 

  • I really dislike reading books online and so any book that I want to read being a hard back is perfect for me.

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3. There is a place where you can make a cup of tea 

  • What is a better fuel for creative minds than a nice cup of tea? And for £1 as well, I don’t hear anybody complaining.

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4. It is more than acceptable to sit in there and not speak to anybody.

  • Nobody will judge you if you are sat alone. In fact it is VERY socially acceptable.

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5. It is the perfect place to talent spot. 

  • Personally, I fall in love in the library approximately 82.5 times every day. It is just a little disappointing when you see the library guy you fell in love with on a night out and find out he has a girlfriend. (Isn’t it Amie? I’m looking right at you).

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There you have it. The uni library is sublime.

Lazy Lucy

I need to get back into the swing of writing my blog again. Having not updated it in well over a month I thought I would write a quick catch up entry for all my millions of followers. (Hi Dad)

Truth is, I have been pretty busy between going on holiday, moving back to uni and of course, napping.

Ireland was a blast. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my 20th birthday than to be drinking Guinness and perfecting my Irish dancing. Also, I am now a professional pourer of Guinness. Even got a certificate to prove it.

As expected the annual summer party with my family as hosts was amazing. You can’t really complain about partying with your family and all your closest friends. (Apart from two of them, they were missed dearly)

Costa Brava was equally as good. You can’t beat hot weather, nice food and the beach. As you can tell I am a hot weather kinda gal, mainly because I tan easily and everyone looks better with a healthy glow.

I was excited to move back to uni to see all my friends and revisit Corp (dur, thats the main reason I was excited.) Although, getting ill at the start of Freshers Week (thanks to the Spanish bugs who bit me and infected my blood) was not on the original agenda and resulted in me not being able to drink. So going out completely sober was urm… interesting.

Now I’ve been back for a month now and it feels like I never left. I’m back into my routine of napping and Netflix, (not Netflix and Chill). Is there any other way to spend your uni life?

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Annual end of summer party
Costa Brava
Costa Brava
Miss these mojitos
Miss these mojitos

Rekindling our love for Corp
Rekindling our love for Corp
In Belfast, at the nicest restaurant, on a boat.
In Belfast, at the nicest restaurant, on a boat.

Two Weeks Wonders 

Again, this isn’t a story, but I am excited for the next two weeks, so much so that I just wanted to write about it.

Today is a week today until my birthday. The Big 2 – 0, which I will be spending in the Big D AKA Dublin with Big H (wow, so many bigs). Our plan is to be going on a bar crawl and make loads of Irish friends (a girl can dream).

Once we’re home it’s then time to partay it up with all my family and friends at home for the annual end of Summer party. Which always ends up being so much fun and entails in A LOT of sleeping the next day.

After a few days maxing relaxing at home, then Sassy Sam (my friend of 15 long years) and I jet off to Costa Brava. We are so excited to get our tan on and be super tanned for this years freshers week. I am ready.