5 Reasons To Love Your Uni Library

Why is it that whenever people think of a library they always think that it is boring? Personally, without sounding like a loser, I love my university’s library and I love it so much I brainstormed 5 reasons why you should love it too.

  1. The atmosphere of people actually working is so satisfying.
  •   There is nothing more annoying than being in a room when you’re trying to work and someone else is talking SO LOUD about their cheating boyfriend called Paul who works in the local chip shop.


2. All of the books there are hard back 

  • I really dislike reading books online and so any book that I want to read being a hard back is perfect for me.

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3. There is a place where you can make a cup of tea 

  • What is a better fuel for creative minds than a nice cup of tea? And for £1 as well, I don’t hear anybody complaining.

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4. It is more than acceptable to sit in there and not speak to anybody.

  • Nobody will judge you if you are sat alone. In fact it is VERY socially acceptable.

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5. It is the perfect place to talent spot. 

  • Personally, I fall in love in the library approximately 82.5 times every day. It is just a little disappointing when you see the library guy you fell in love with on a night out and find out he has a girlfriend. (Isn’t it Amie? I’m looking right at you).

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There you have it. The uni library is sublime.

The Apprentice

It is that time of the year again where Lord Sugar is on our screens in the boardroom, talking down to his candidates and the candidates themselves stabbing each other in the back. Don’t get me wrong, I love settling down on a Wednesday night with a cup of tea to see who the next person to receive Alan Sugar’s wrath will be, but it down mean that I completely agree with the show.

Firstly, it is completely unrealistic. It is very rare that you would see high-end businessmen scooping up horse manure or making fish finger sandwiches. They would hire people to do the manual work, so that they can get on with whatever else businessmen do. Have you ever seen Alan Sugar, recently, strolling into a muddy field to scoop up his latest product with his hands? The answer to that is no. I understand that everyone has got to start from the bottom, but these candidates aren’t at the bottom, they’re starring in a prime time TV show that has 6.4 million viewers with Alan Sugar as their boss. They’re so far from the bottom, they can’t even see it.

The candidates also are very much made for TV. If they actually listened to each other than it is a high possibility that they would

A) Get so much more done

B) Have so many less arguments

In episode 2 where they had to make a shampoo, the girls decided not to listen to the girl who actually OWNED a salon and go with the woman who sells extensions…which don’t need shampoo…

Although, would a TV show where everyone got on and there was no squabbles make good TV? The answer to that, once again, is no.

All in all, whilst watching ‘The Apprentice’ it is important that you don’t look into it too much (which I obviously made the mistake in doing) and just appreciate it as the entertaining program that it is. You keep doing you Lord Sugar.